Star Fluxx
Publisher: Looney Labs (2011)
Players: 2-6
Play Time: 10-40
Genre: Card Game,
Price: $15.99
Star Fluxx
begins as a game with very few rules. Each player starts out with
three cards in their hand, and on their turn they must draw one card
and play one card. When the game starts there is no win condition.
What follows is a crazy game that is sure to feature all sorts of
twists and turns. There are many types of cards that affect the game
in one way or another; Goals provide that game with its win
condition, Keepers are the players' way to fulfill goals, Creepers
keep a player from winning the game unless otherwise specified by the
current Goal, Actions provide strategic ways to affect that game on a
player's turn, Surprises can be played at anytime and impact the game
in different ways depending on when they're played, and New Rules
provide ever-increasing constraints on how the game is played.
isn't a bad game to use to introduce new players to the world of
table-top gaming, but if you're playing with inexperienced players
it's best if at least one person knows the game. That person can
help to keep track of the rules and keep things straight. The most
important thing to remember is that the cards tell the players
exactly what to do, they should be interpreted as literally as
possible. Have no fear, after a few rounds of play everyone will be
comfortable enough that you can sit back and just enjoy the game.
If the
game isn't won very quickly, say in the first ten minutes or so, it
seems that inevitably everyone is in for a wild ride. The longer
games are the most fun, as players dive down deep into their bags of
tricks for the slightest advantage. Card advantage, having more
cards and therefore more options, is the most important aspect of the
game. The trouble there is that there are many ways to turn that
advantage against a player. That's where strategy most strongly
comes into play. The order in which the player executes their plays
can spell the difference between victory and perhaps handing victory
to another player, the most embarrassing way to lose the game.
artwork on the cards is pretty simple, but it conveys the sci-fi
inspirations behind the cards perfectly. When it's not your turn
it's fun to watch the other cards being played and trying to identify
what sci-fi stories the cards are referencing. You might also find
that this launches some fun conversations regarding those stories,
perhaps allowing you to introduce someone to a book or movie that
they haven't been exposed to before. It is a game after all, one you
play with friends in order to have fun. What could be more fun than
playing an awesome game and seeing someone discover Star
Wars or The
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
for the first time?
Star Fluxx
is a great game to start any game session. It's simple enough to be
taught to just about anyone, but has enough depth to serve as a nice
primer for the rest of the session. Will it satisfy the hardcore
gamer in more experienced players? No, but it's a good appetizer for
what ever main course game you're planning on serving up.
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