Monday, March 30, 2015

The Walking Dead: Season 5, Episode 16

The Walking Dead
Episode Title: “Conquer”
Channel: AMC
Director: Greg Nicotero
Writers: Scott M. Gimple and Seth Hoffman
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
Runtime: 90 min
Rated: TV-MA
Original Air Date: March 29, 2015

“Conquer” was the finale of season five of The Walking Dead, spoilers ahead!

I have, for the most part, enjoyed this season of The Walking Dead. Sure it slowed down a little bit during the fiasco with the folks at the hospital, but overall things have been going well on the show. There were a lot of characters that needed to come to grips with their new found safety, the things they did to get there, or what parts of them they need to leave behind to assimilate themselves into Alexandra. There were too many threads that needed tying off, so I am glad they decided to go with a longer than usual episode.

To start things off, Morgan's back. The episode opened with an interesting little back and forth between Morgan and a mystery man with a 'W' on his forehead. We've been waiting since the mid-season finale for Morgan to pop back up, and personally I thought it was worth the wait. He effortlessly dispatched his assailants with his staff and went on with his business. Through that conversation the audience was given more information on the group of survivors that will be serving as the antagonists in season six.

Meanwhile, Sasha and Father Gabriel are both in a serious downward spiral. Sasha has taken to lying in a mass grave of walkers and Gabriel is venturing beyond the wall unarmed. Gabriel thinks he's ready to die, but when it came down to it he wasn't. Dropping two walkers, quite possibly the first one's he's confronted, didn't change his outlook on life, as he continued to sulk. Near the end of the episode Sasha went to Gabriel for help, which he claimed he couldn't give and they got into a fight, with Sasha nearly shooting him before Maggie came in. The end of their little arc featured the three of them in a prayer circle. Here's to hoping that this brings an end to their respective death wishes

Rick awoke to find himself bandaged up following his tussle with Pete. Michonne has been keeping watch over him and when Glenn, Carol, and Abraham show up it's revealed that there is to be a meeting to discuss Rick's future in the community. Rick hatches a plan to take over if things go badly, although Glen seems reluctant to initiate violence against the inhabitants of Alexandria. Speaking of Glenn; he watched Nick hop the fence and decided to follow him. To the audience it was pretty clearly a trap. Nick shot Glenn and they fought through the woods. After a harrowing moment with some walkers attacking Glenn he eventually caught up to the fleeing Nick and beat him up pretty badly. He had a change of heart before the pulled the trigger though, and instead helped Nick back home. It was good to see that despite some of the things he's said this season Glenn is still a good guy deep down.

Daryl and Aaron are still out recruiting. After they lose track of a man they've been following they decided to make a food run at a grocery store. They wound up springing a trap, tractor trailers full of walkers, and were forced to seek refuge in an abandoned vehicle. Daryl does a better job than any of Rick's survivors thus far of explaining the way they're reacting to their apparent safety. Basically he believes that he's not really meant for society, but Aaron points out that he's helped his friends when he could have easily left them behind. Their plan to make a break for safety was interrupted when Morgan happened by and started laying waste to the walkers. Following their escape Morgan revealed that he's still trying to catch up with Rick, using a map Rick had left behind for him.

Finally the meeting takes place, missing some key components, namely Rick and Glenn. Glen was busy trying to drag Nick back to town and Rick had noticed a problem at the gate. Gabriel had been asked to shut the gate, and instead he left it open, allowing several walkers to make their way inside the walls. Rick tracked them down and took them out after a couple of very tense minutes. He arrived at the meeting with one of the walkers draped over his shoulder and calmly explained to the less experienced citizens of Alexandria that they need him and his people. In the process he said some scary things about how many of them he'd have to kill to save the rest. Out of no where Pete showed up with a machete but was stopped from attacking Rick by Deanna's husband, Reg. He accidentally gets his throat slit in the process. Abraham restrained Pete, and while she's watching her husband die, Deanna gave the order and Rick executed him. Aaron and Daryl arrived at that moment, and Morgan looked shocked to see Rick do something so cold blooded.

Overall, nearly everyone gained some measure of closure. Michonne is still with Rick, despite how badly she needs to settle down. Abraham has mended fences with Eugene and Sasha and Gabriel may be on the road to recovery. Glenn managed to prove to himself that people still matter, even the bad ones. In complete honesty, I'm actually glad that none of the major characters bought the farm in this episode. Instead of another shocking death, which seem to get less shocking every time they happen, all of the main characters made it through the finale relatively unscathed. Breaking from the formula should make the next deaths more meaningful, something more than fulfilling the expectation brought about due to where an episode falls in the season.

Conclusion: “Conquer” didn't contain the tragic losses that I had been expecting from this episode, but it did seem to wrap up the “getting used to safety” story arcs for most of the characters. Instead of using character deaths to spice things up the writers used “Conquer” to set up the next season.

Rating: 7.75/10

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