Saturday, September 13, 2014

Doctor Who: Season 8, Episode 4

Doctor Who
Episode: “Listen”
Channel: BBC
Director: Douglas Mackinnon
Writer: Steven Moffat
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Runtime: 45 min
Rated: TV-PG
Original Air Date: September 13, 2014

I'm not sure if there's another writer in television who's work is more obviously his than Steven Moffat. Without having checked the credits for this episode I could've told you who wrote it. Moffat's episodes feel more complete and tighter narratively speaking than anyone else currently writing for Doctor Who. Under his guidance the audience is treated to what I thought was the most enjoyable episode of this season.

This is an atmospheric episode with loads of tension and several creepy moments. I enjoyed the entire premise of the episode; maybe when we're afraid for no reason, there is a reason. As the story progressed and various threads and times were revealed the slightly convoluted narrative path tightened down to the importance of a single moment. There's too much fun to be had for the viewer to ruin that moment for those that haven't seen it, suffice to say that it definitely cast a familiar character in a new light. There's a little paradoxical mischief being worked in this episode. Who's words were those really, who said them first?

There was, unfortunately, no mention of the overall arc of the season, which leaves me thinking that an episode important in that respect is just around the corner. There is still a lot of time being spent on Clara's personal life, and I know that this is due to rise in prominence from the other character in question, but lets get on with it already! Lets get the whole team together and go adventuring, enough beating around the bush.

Conclusion: “Listen” is a very entertaining episode, the best thus far in season 8. What it didn't tell us about 'heaven' and its creepy lady resident it made up for with a strengthening of the bond between the main characters. Built around a great premise it went in a direction I didn't expect, but enjoyed thoroughly.

Rating: 7.75/10

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