Saturday, September 13, 2014

Saturday is Haul Day 9!!

This week's Haul is a little bigger than I originally expected.  First we've got Captain America:  The Winter Soldier, which is, to date, quite possibly my favorite Marvel Cinematic Universe movie.  Then there's Supernatural:  The Complete Ninth Season.  What started off as a guilty pleasure has become a show that I don't want to miss an episode of, while the eighth season wasn't the best the ending left me really interested in what was happening next.  I didn't get a chance to catch the ninth season on TV and have miraculously avoided spoilers for almost a year, so I'm excited to finally find out what happens.

Comics-wise there is quite the list of entries:  Future's End:  Constantine #1 by Ray Fawkes and Juan Ferreyra, Future's End:  Batman #1 by Ray Fawkes and ACO, Cloaks 1 of 4 by Caleb Monroe and Mariano Navarro, Hexed #2 by Michael Alan Nelson and Dan Mora, Wayward #1 by Jim Zub and Steve Cummings, Wild's End 1 of 6 by Dan Abnett and I.N.J. Culbard, and finally Death of Wolverine 2 of 4 by Charles Soule, Steve McNiven, Jay Leisten and Justin Ponsor.

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