Thursday, September 25, 2014


Godzilla (2014)
Producers: Yoshimitsu Banno, Alex Garcia, Kenji Okuhira, Patrica Whitcher, et al.
Director: Gareth Edwards
Rated: PG-13 for intense sequences of destruction, mayhem and creature violence
Runtime: 123 min
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller

A giant monster movie with an all-star cast, absolutely, sign me up. Between the cast, the prospect of a tremendous amount of destruction, and a trailer that sold the audience a movie that utilized both of those things to their fullest. It appeared that Godzilla would pick up where Pacific Rim left off and revitalize the giant monster genre.

It looks as though that mission has been accomplished, with both of those movies announcing sequels, and deservedly so. Taken in whole Godzilla is an entertaining popcorn flick that sparked public interest and made the studio a good sum of money. When looked at in pieces the movie isn't quite as good as it could have been. First, the cast doesn't seem to live up to its potential; Bryan Cranston and Elizabeth Olsen managed to evoke some emotion from me, but the rest of the cast was surprisingly wooden and forgettable.

The wideshots used in this film are amazing. Once picturesque landscapes and skylines become rubble strewn sites of utter desolation. The flames and flares used to accent such scenes work brilliantly, somehow adding an epic feel to what we're witnessing. Or sadly, sometimes not witnessing, as one of my pet peeves regarding the film is the constant cutting away from the action. This isn't Jaws where mechanical trouble and revolutionary filmmaking conspired to hide the antagonist from view for half of the movie. This is a movie where monsters fight other monsters, so please, going forward let us see the fighting! When we are afforded the opportunity to see Godzilla and the MUTOs go at it they provide a knockdown drag out fight worth watching.

Conclusion: A movie that is greater than the sum of its parts. Godzilla overcomes some movie making missteps and acting that is only serviceable to deliver a fun experience. With the promise of a sequel I look forward to seeing the flaws corrected and witnessing a true monster throw down.

Rating: 6.5/10

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