Saturday, November 22, 2014

Constantine: Season 1, Episode 5

Episode Title: "Danse Vaudou”
Channel: NBC
Director: John Badham
Writer: Christine Boylan
Genre: Fantasy, Horror
Runtime: 43 min
Rated: TV-14
Original Air Date: November 21, 2014

Danse Vaudou” is an episode without a bad guy. This is a good thing and a bad thing. There is no one for the audience to direct their attention to and say “that's the guy!” during the episode, it eliminates a bit of the audience's interaction with the show. It should however allow the writers to focus on the atmosphere and setting, without having to shoehorn a backstory in for random evildoer of the week. Setting the episode in New Orleans was a step in the right direction, as it's a city steeped in ghost stories, traditions magical and otherwise, and plenty of creepy stuff. It was a good idea, not executed to its fullest, as most of the episode jumps from place to place, never showing the viewers what New Orleans has to offer. “Danse Vaudou” could have taken place in Anytown, USA, the results would have been the same.

The entire gang is back for this one, and it was a better show because of it. While Zed and Chas play tag with a couple of ghosts Constantine forges a temporary alliance with Papa Midnite, due to Midnite's magic having some unforeseen consequences. Zed teams up with Jim Corrigan, a homicide detective who used to be in missing persons, to tackle one unruly spirit. The highlights here are some hints of Zed's past troubles and an awesome tease regarding another DC character. On Chas' side of things we see more of his ability to not die, which is hopefully explained soon, and some fairly funny banter with another ghost.

The true star of the episode though is interaction between Constantine and Midnite. Constantine looks down on voodoo as a “magical excuse for a party” and Midnite believes that John is basically a thief of spells and traditions, taking the tools but leaving behind the beliefs behind them. It is an interesting philosophical debate between the two characters that I wish they had more time to go into. Like the other episodes so far in the series the action barely slows down enough to lend a little atmosphere to the scene, let alone leaving time for a lengthy discussion between characters on the virtues of their magical powers.

Upon the resolution of the main problem in the episode, John turns to wider ranging concerns and convinces Papa Midnite to ask a resident of the afterlife about the “Rising Darkness” (can you hear the capital letters when it's said?) We're basically told that it's coming, and that someone close to Constantine will betray him. Unless a bunch of characters get introduced between now and then, and the hints they've been dropping have been a total red herring, this should surprise no one. I'm hoping we learn more about the darkness and its purpose soon, the vague hints from spirits and angels are not satisfying my curiosity.

Conclusion: In an episode without a badguy the setting should've been a star, but the city of New Orleans was wasted, ignored except for its title card in the cold open. Having all the characters in one place was a good thing, if only they hadn't been spread across the city. Luckily the scenes with John and Midnite were enough to keep things interesting.

Rating: 7.5/10

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