Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Walking Dead: Season 5, Episode 5

The Walking Dead
Episode Title: “Self Help”
Channel: AMC
Director: Ernest Dickerson
Writers: Heather Bellson and Seth Hoffman
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
Runtime: 44 min
Rated: TV-MA
Original Air Date: November 9, 20

I wasn't that excited to leave the Beth storyline behind to come to Abraham's group of D.C. bound survivors. Up until this point Abraham hasn't provided much in the way of an addition to the show, Rosita's sole purpose has been to follow him around, and with Eugene I've just been waiting for his big announcement. Having read the comics first I knew where his story was going when he was introduced, the only mystery to me was when were they going to reveal it. The good news is that this episode made these characters much more three dimensional than they've been, and by the end I was pretty well invested in their plight. Maggie and Glenn seem to be along for the ride simply to keep some of the old familiar characters around, as they don't really add much to the episode.

Through the flashback we see more evidence of Abraham's temper and his violent side, and also learn that he suffered his own tragedy shortly after the outbreak. Eugene comes along needing help as Abe is about to check himself out of this world. Abraham finds in Eugene a new purpose, his self imposed mission going forward. The new task seems to be his coping mechanism; a way of not thinking about anything but the next step he's going to take, allowing him to tune out his own loss.

The group's journey northward goes like most of the journeys we've seen on The Walking Dead, a whole lot of obstacles with little progress. Eugene reveals to Tara that he's sabotaging their 'mission,' which was an odd bit of writing. Why was Eugene compelled to spill the beans to Tara, and why would she lie for him? They haven't seemed to have much of a connection before. Regardless, this was the first truly overt sign for the audience that Eugene is playing a different game than the rest of the survivors.

After another transportation complication Abraham and Co. come within sniffing distance of a huge herd of walkers. Abraham is determined to push through, despite the arguments to the contrary from everyone else. He and Glenn nearly come to blows, Rosita gets tossed to the ground, and Eugene mutters his big reveal. After a shocked moment Abraham does what we all knew he would and takes several swings at Eugene. Rosita of all people steps in front of Abraham with her hand on her weapon, finally doing something besides agreeing and following all the time. Abraham stumbles away and goes to his knees. It was a really well done scene from everyone involved, even knowing it was coming I couldn't have picked a better time for it. The episode wraps with Eugene senseless and Abraham rudderless. This was a man seconds away from eating a bullet, whose only purpose was his mission; how he and the group handle this latest news will define them going forward.

Conclusion: While the episode's placement in the season wasn't ideal it finally brought some depth to a couple of characters that had seemed like caricatures up to this point. I had been anticipating the moment at the end of this episode for a while and it delivered perfectly, especially after the audience is shown just how much Abraham needs his mission.

Rating: 8/10

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