Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Flash: Season 1, Episode 6

The Flash
Episode Title: “The Flash is Born”
Channel: CW
Director: Millicent Shelont
Writers: Jaime Paglia and Chris Rafferty
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Runtime: 43 min
Rated: TV-PG
Original Air Date: November 18, 2014

A lot of interesting stuff happened in “The Flash is Born” besides the obvious, The Streak has become The Flash. First, blogging comes back to bite Iris, she's used to lure Barry into a confrontation before he's ready, almost costing him dearly. It was only a matter of time before the writers used this avenue of attack, I just wish they had waited until they had a villain of note to exploit that particular hole in Barry's defenses. Allowing a meathead villain of the week go that route means that no matter how sinister the next bad guy is, that course of action will either be closed to him, or it will come attached to a 'been there, done that' vibe that could have been avoided.

Joe and Dr. Wells butt heads this week, and although they appear to have settled their differences by the end of the episode one has to wonder if it will be a recurring theme. They are two father figures with very different methods and goals. I could see them having many mini showdowns throughout the series, with Barry picking different sides depending on which one has most recently let him down. The ending featured Joe getting his own red and yellow lightning visitor, who issued a threat to stay off of the Nora Allen case or Iris will come to harm. Joe West doesn't seem like the type of man to cave to threats, but he doesn't always remain so stalwart when it comes to his little girl, so his reaction next week is up in the air.

Eddie featured more heavily in this week's episode, with he and Barry sharing several scenes. I recognize his last name and what it hints at, but I'm not sure that the writers are going to go that route. I feel like this season features several red herrings to keep the viewers off the scent of what's really going to happen, I'm just not sure who's the scapegoat or if we've even seen the real bad guy yet. The one thing that does hint at his eventual betrayal is this sudden attempt to insinuate himself into a friendship with Barry. I know, he said he wants to be closer to Barry because he recognizes the bond that Iris and Barry have, the narrative side effect of this is that his betrayal will shock the audience that much more.

After defeating the baddie this week, who just happened to be a bully that Barry endured during his childhood, Barry UNMASKED and revealed his identity to the bad guy! What? That bit of writing makes no sense at all. Barry has done things foolhardy and impulsive, but this is the first time I can think of that they've actually written him as stupid. It was a very questionable decision from the writers.

Conclusion: This was a pretty average episode that sets the stage for some big things in the future. Joe and Dr. Wells will be a constantly shifting dynamic that has Barry's best interests in mind, but vastly different methods of protecting him. The budding friendship with Eddie just screams inevitable betrayal, but maybe it's too obvious.

Rating: 7/10

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